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How to Ensure Excellent Sleep Quality Amidst Chronic Pain?

Do you feel more painful at nighttime & it is not letting you fall asleep? We know that sleep and pain make for a very bad combination. So, we’re here with a handful of tips & effective oral treatments like Pain O Soma & Zopiclone.
Before we begin, let us discuss some facts. The harsh reality of today is around 50 million Americans are suffering from chronic pain. This further grows into sleeplessness, a sleep-deprived lifestyle & poor sleep quality of course!
It is disappointing when you want to sleep but your pain isn’t letting you. On the contrary, the situation could be worse if your painkillers are preventing you from sleeping. Some medicines disrupt your sleep like anything. You may have some medications that help you deal with sleep disturbances. But, they’re hindering you from getting a full night’s rest.
In short, you’re looking for a solution that relieves pain & doesn’t trigger any sleep disturbances. Is it possible amidst chronic pain? Let’s dig deeper with this blog.
Can sleep affect pain?
The cycle between chronic pain and sleep deprivation is endless. For instance, an individual living with chronic pain is unable to sleep due to extremities of painful symptoms. However, the same individual isn’t recovering faster because of a lack of sleep.
Hence, poor sleep quality can delay relief as well as source mental health conditions like stress, anxiety, depression, etc. This terrible link between pain & sleeplessness will only worsen your health condition. Needless to say, it takes a toll on your physical and psychological health.
In a nutshell, sleeplessness triggers the risk and sensitivity of pain and restful sleep promotes healing & minimizes the intensity and severity of pain.
What triggers chronic pain?
Can you differentiate between pain and chronic pain? Well, if you’re confused about how to draw a line of difference then we’ll help you define them.
Acute pain is the pain that goes away after a short span while chronic pain is the one that lasts for a long time. In other words, you can say it is chronic pain if it lasts for months or years. Sometimes, the minor injury happening currently can trigger chronic pain. Also, some patients haven’t had any chronic pain history.
Here are some common causes of chronic pain associated with several diseases or health conditions:
- Cancer
- Shingles
- Fibromyalgia
- Arthritis
- Neuropathic pain
- Multiple sclerosis
Chronic pain doesn’t need to be associated with some disease only. This chronic pain can be triggered by some non-disease conditions too. Here are they listed below:
- Poor posture
- Obesity
- Moving extremely heavy objects
- Pain as a part of aging
- Problem with Mattress
Chronic Pain & its association with common sleep disorders
Your pain symptoms can worsen over nighttime and it isn’t something new!
A study conducted in 2020 revealed that pain management peaks around 11 PM to 4 AM.
As a result, it gets difficult for the patient to fall asleep or stay asleep. Especially, this pain grows worse if you’re experiencing chronic pain due to arthritis. The ache and discomfort get unbearable.
Commonly, chronic pain is associated with sleeplessness because the patient sleeps less than the expected hours. The quality of sleep is also poor due to less sleep time & increased respiratory events. Overall, such conditions impact your immunity levels negatively & your tolerance to pain decreases.
How do chronic pain medicines affect your sleep?
Chronic pain medicines are expected to minimize pain and improve the quality of sleep so that recovery speeds up. They’re also supposed to prevent nighttime awakenings and bridge the gap of sleep deprivation.
However, some painkillers like Opioids are known for disrupting the sleep cycle. This causes sleeplessness and reduces the capacity of how deeper you sleep at night. Opioids are known for their ‘distinctly abnormal’ brain activities during sleep. In addition, delays in REM sleep and irregular sleep patterns are also observed.
Alternatively, benzodiazepines & some OTC pills like Tylenol PM, Advil PM, etc have impacts on daytime sleepiness & cognitive impairment. This makes it clear that your choice of pain medicines also influences sleep quality. So, make sure you go for better options like Pain O Soma 350 mg or Pain O Soma 500 mg based on the severity of pain. They’re always better for minimizing pain naturally & in no time without disrupting your sleep quality.
Treat sleep apnea & it’ll help treat chronic pain too!
Do we need to mention that sleep apnea and chronic pain are deeply connected?! Sleep apnea can be a big cause of worsening pain conditions. Moreover, it develops sensitiveness and makes your system less tolerant toward pain.
Whether you’re experiencing chronic pain or poor sleep quality, you may end up with signs of obstructive sleep apnea. Here are the symptoms to watch out for:
- Daytime fatigue
- Choking while asleep
- Gasping during sleep
- Snoring loudly
This simply means that it is quintessential to treat sleep apnea so that it aids in treating chronic pain too. Otherwise, if your sleep quality will not improve, you’ll not get enough rest to recover.
5 Ways to Ensure Good Sleep at Night amidst Chronic Pain
1) Watch how you use your chronic pain medicines
Be it any OTC or prescription medicines like Zopiclone, Pain O Soma, etc., they should be consumed an hour or two before bedtime. These medicines are most effective when consumed after at least two hours of having dinner. This way, they’ll not interfere with your sleep quality and promote relief. Ask your doctor about the best way for using this pain management medicine so that they don’t disrupt sleep.
2) Stick to a good sleep regime
Believe it or not, sticking to a healthy sleep regime can work wonders regardless of the painkillers you use. A sound sleep every night can change your life like anything. The best thing you can do is sleep and wake up at the same time daily – even during weekends! You must train your body to sleep and wake as desired which will have a positive impact on your quality of life.
3) Adopt relaxation techniques
Practicing relaxation techniques can be very fruitful for your mind, body & soul. Consult a therapist for learning some useful relaxation techniques for pain management. Exercises like yoga, breathing techniques, meditation, etc can greatly improve your pain & discomfort. Also, they will make you want to go to bed early. They have immense effects on your mental health too. So, why not?
4) Ensure comforting pillows & mattress
Sometimes, your pain might not be improving because of uncomfortable mattresses and pillows. In case you’ve been diagnosed with pain then don’t forget to check your mattress and pillow health so that they don’t contribute to pain. Replace them if necessary to speed up recovery.
5) Spend daytime actively
Exercising plays a crucial role in helping you spend the day actively & energetically. They’ll also improve your sleep. So, be active when you’re awake and your body will signal your mind to sleep and rest.
The Bottom Line
You now have both – the reasons for chronic pain & pain management techniques. At least to say, we’ve also shared effective medications that’ll treat chronic pain without disturbing your sleep quality. So, head over to your healthcare provider today & get one prescribed as per your needs.